Michael Flynn, the National Security Adviser under former President Donald Trump, claimed that people are attempting to change people’s DNA as a step toward “transhumanism.”

While appearing on the Thrivetime Show: The ReAwakening versus The Great Reset podcast on Tuesday, Flynn discussed a new executive order, Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy, that was signed by President Joe Biden last week.

After reading a brief summary regarding the executive order, Flynn and the hosts concluded it was supporting transhumanism. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, transhumanism is the social and philosophical movement devoted to promoting the research and development of robust human-enhancement technologies.

Such technologies could augment or increase human sensory reception, emotive ability, or cognitive capacity as well as radically improve human health and extend human life spans.

Above, Michael Flynn, former U.S. National Security advisor to former President Trump, speaks at a campaign event for U.S. Senate candidate Josh Mandel on April 21, 2022, in Brunswick, Ohio. Flynn made claims that people are attempting to change the population’s DNA while also installing robotic internal organs.
Dustin Franz/Getty

The notion of transhumanism is not mentioned in the executive order signed by Biden, however.

The video clip of Flynn discussing this has so far had more than 550,000 views on Twitter since being posted late Tuesday.

“They are trying to change the very essence of our DNA, and there are people who are working on this, that is one of them, [Israeli public intellectual] Yuval Noah Harari,” Flynn said. “It is just not going to work so what do they do? They are basically going to put components of robotics into us. That is one of the issues that they are looking at.”

Flynn clarified that these individuals allegedly preparing to create transhumanist people are different from those that use robotics to replace lost limbs.

“You see the robotic arms which can help somebody or robotic legs which can help somebody who lost their legs, or lost the movement of their arm,” he said. “To be able to do things and live a normal life but that is different to what these guys are trying to do.

“They are actually trying to change inside, the internals of something that is unchangeable, unmoveable, immoveable because they are designed by someone other than them. Thank God that God designed us the way that we are,” he said.

Earlier this year in July, right-wing conspiracy theorist and InfoWars host Alex Jones made a similar claim and was equally vague regarding the details of this alleged plan. The clip also went viral on social media.

In the clip, Jones also demanded independence from artificial intelligence computers, aliens and Satan.

“I declare this July 4, 2022, to be a declaration of independence against the alien force on this planet today,” Jones said. “[Aliens] are waging war against humans and their biology and our future. That is attempting to exterminate the majority of us and force the minority that is left to merge with AI computers and become cyborg slaves of Satan.”

According to an Anti-Defamation League (ADL) report from late 2020, Jones’ and Flynn’s comments align with the conspiracy theory of the Great Reset. The conspiracy has gained more traction following the spread of COVID-19 and the vaccine rollout across the world.

It warns that the “global elite” will use the pandemic to advance their interests and push forward a globalist plot to destroy American sovereignty and prosperity, according to the ADL report.

The report also stated that a sect of those that believe in this conspiracy theory are also fearful of a transhuman project, “in which humans will be fused with machines and forced to be subservient to elites.”

Source: https://www.newsweek.com/michael-flynn-robotics-dna-changing-transhumanism-1744880